I had the pleasure of shooting these two on a very special day. The light was perfect, the weather was crisp, the forest was calm. We couldn't have asked for a better setting. They braved the cold and had a wonderful time. I can't wait to see these two get married on the East coast this summer. Congrats guys!
Product photography for Little King Goods
All rights reserved.
Daniel & Aileen
African Lion Safari!
Today we took our little boy Joscha to African Lion Safari! I don't know who was more excited, me, my brother, or Joscha. For the most part it seemed like Joscha didn't care where we were, he was just happy to spend time with his uncle and auntie!
Our adventure began at 10:30 am. We were pleasantly surprised to see that there were hardly any visitors at the park yet! We had a nice and relaxing time strolling around the grounds without bumping into anybody. Here are a few from today. Enjoy!
After walking around the ground for a couple hours, we took a nice AIR CONDITIONED bus ride through the rest of the park. We actually got really close to some of the animals which was very interesting. It also helps to have a nice trusty telephoto lens handy too..
Diana & Brad - Engagement session - Elora Conservation Area
I had the pleasure of shooting Diana and Brad yesterday in one of the most beautiful areas in Ontario. Elora conservation area is just absolutely stunning. It may be a little bit of a trek but it is totally worth the drive. Thank you so much guys for taking the time to hike all the way out to Elora!
Welcome to the world little Luke Burd!
My cousin Ashely and her husband Daniel welcomed their little man into this world on the 26th of June, 2016. We went to visit them yesterday and I just snapped a few pictures. What a cute little guy!
Family time in Niagara Falls!
One of our friends Thomas visited us for a couple days so we decided to take him somewhere that is not touristy or crowded with foreigners. We thought Niagara Falls would be PERFECT! Here are a few from today.
Daniel & Rahel - Engagement Shoot - Balingen
I had the pleasure of shooting my sister in law and her fiance's engagement session while I was in Germany. We had originally planned to shoot it in the hills surrounding their home but it didn't work out as planned. BUT luckily it isn't hard to find nice scenery around where they live. This was shot in their backyard. Enjoy!
Germany 2016 - May 7th (Day 19)
We arrived in Freiburg yesterday morning for brunch with our friends Chrissy and Danny. We have always enjoyed spending time with them. Chrissy and Danny are both photographers and it's always fun to nerd it up talking about gear and whatnot. They have 3 kids (2 boys and 1 girl) and are fostering a cute little boy. Today I told myself that I would only shoot in black and white because I really like the film simulation from Fujifilm called Acros. I started shooting black and white after we had our breakie so there are some that are still in colour. Anyway, hope you enjoy!
After breakfast we went to a zoo that was near by. It was such a beautiful day. It was such a nice change from all of the bad weather we have had in the past couple weeks. We met up with our good friends and had a good couple of hours together. We are going to miss them..
Germany 2016 - May 5th (Day 17)
Today we stayed a little closer to home and visited a "Castle" called the Hohenzollern . I have been here twice before and always have a great time. To tell you the truth, the best way to see is this castle is from far away. It's a lot nicer to photograph when you can see the entirety of it. Anyway, here are a few! Enjoy.
Germany 2016 - May 4th - Engagement Party!
This afternoon was Rachel's and Daniels engagement party. It took almost all day to set up and prepare for it but it was well worth it! Something about gatherings at my wife's parents place is always just so special. The love that they have for each other is incredible. Everybody ALWAYS helps out with everything. The food was terrific, the company was amazing and the fellowship was just so special. These are the times that I will miss the most when we venture back to Canada. Thank you so much (Zarks) for always making people feel so special and comfortable.
Germany 2016 - May 4th - Morning (Day 16)
For the past week I have been sick with Strep throat so getting out to shoot was very difficult. I finally went to the doctor and picked up some antibiotics which has helped immensely. Today for the first time in a week I can swallow and not feel like my throat is being stabbed with a blunt steak knife.. Today we ventured into Weilstetten and had a stroll through a tiny market that a few vendors had set up. Lea (Ruth's sister) along with a friend were selling cake a coffee. It was a nice little break from feeling sick.
Germany 2016 - May 1st (Day 13)
Naemi's Birthday!
Today was Ruth's sister's (Naemi) birthday. Elena made a beautiful and tasty chocolate torte. I honestly don't even know how she does it... If I lived here I would seriously be super fat and have problems concentrating on anything but food. But thankfully I am just visiting.. phew... Anyway, Amy turned 16 today so we celebrated by having this wonderful cake and coffee. We plan to take her our somewhere this week for another celebration because we have all been kind of sick and the weather has been really drab..
Germany 2016 - April 30th (Day 12)
Surprise surprise... I am still sick! I can't seem to shake this cold/throat hurty thing.. Today I spent most of my time in bed watching Netflix but I did manage to spend a little bit of time with Joscha and Ruth (at a fair distance of course). This boy is just growing up so fast. It seems like he is changing every day. His face is really maturing now. Sometimes I just sit there and watch him and am just in awe, thinking that - wow.. this is MY boy! (Father moment..) Anyway.. here are a few from today.
Germany 2016 - April 29th (Day 11)
Today I wasn't feeling very well so we didn't do too much but we managed to get out to Balingen for a 2nd donair and some walking around. I can't get enough of these amazing shawarma like pita sandwiches! Anyway, this city will always have a special place in my heart because this is where Ruth and I got married. The church is right in the middle of the square and it is one of the most beautiful churches I have ever been in. If you ever get the chance to visit Balingen, you have to make a stop here!
Germany 2016 - April 28th (Day 10)
Hair cut time!
Today we gave Lea's boys a hair cut (if you can call it that..) If you have ever tried to give little kids a hair cut you know how hard it is to keep them still.. I suggest a tablet or phone. I think we may have to take them to a barber tomorrow...
Dinner time with Joscha
The sun was shining through the window just perfectly. So.. like any other photographer dad I pulled out my camera and snapped a few.
Germany 2016 - April 27th (Day 9)
Today I felt like just taking a walk through the street where we are staying and snapping a few pics of random things that caught my eye. These walks are nice to just clear my head and focus on the simpler things in life.
Our house (Ruth's parents place)
After my little walk about we had an amazing dinner with our friends, Hans Jorgen & Simone and Lea & Benni. I am loving these German meals!
Germany 2016 - April 26th (Day 8)
The weather outside is frightful...
So, when we left for Germany last week, we thought that we would be finally getting into some warmer temperatures and spending more time outside. But, NOPE! The weather here has been really cold and just gross.. We decided to visit one of Ruth's "Aunts" (Joli) in Balingen today. It was another relaxing and chill day filled with incredible food and great company. This woman can cook!
Germany 2016 - April 25th (Day 7)
Today was a slow and relaxed day. The weather was super cold so we just chilled inside and spent the day indoors. We wondered what we could eat for dinner so I asked Ruth what she thought her nieces and nephews would like to eat. It turns out that Germans are not really familiar with grilled cheese. As soon as I heard that I immediately told Ruth that we are going to make her sister's family some grilled cheese for dinner. I hoped that they would like it... and they did! Success!
Germany 2016 April 22, 23 & 24 (Day 4 - 6)
Today we ventured out to Heidleberg, one of my most treasured cities in all of Germany. My wife and I have quite the fondness of this place because this is the first place where we told each other we loved each other. This place will always hold a special place in my heart.
April 23, 2016
Today we drove back to Balingen but stopped off in Meisenbach. This place is just gorgeous. It is situated in the Black Forest and is absolutely incredible. Pictures just don't do it justice.
Day 6 - April 24th
Today was a nice relaxing Sunday. After church all of the siblings came back to my wife's parent's place and we had some coffee and cake. After that we went on a beautiful walk through their "backyard".